Tuesday, February 6th, 2007
'The Destroyer and His Helpers' ...by Cindy Sheehan
When I first started on my long, arduous and relentless journey towards peace shortly after my son, Casey, was killed in Iraq, I met with many Democratic House Members and two Republicans, Walter Jones (R-NC) and Ron Paul (R-Tx). I received sympathy and sometimes tea from each elected official, but the consensus was that the anti-war group was in the minority in the Democratic Party and but the barest of minorities in the Republican Party so nothing could be accomplished in stopping Bloody George the Destroyer's war of terror.
The news from Iraq is already devastating this month. In the first five days of February, as things are escalating, compounding and stacking up The Destroyer's blunders in Iraq, 17 of our soldiers have been killed. So far, over hundreds of hungry civilians have been killed at crowded marketplaces in Baghdad. These calamities have occurred while The Destroyer and his helpers, Congressional Democrats, were rubbing elbows and sharing a good chuckle over George's linguistic contortions. Is it just me, or should it be a requirement that the president of an English speaking country be able to speak English?
Recently, Sen. Hillary Clinton said during a speech that she knows there are people in the country who wish that Congress could "do more" then offer pathetic non-binding resolutions and even weaker bills that don't have a chance in Bush-Hell to get out of committee, or if by a miracle a bill reaches The Destroyer's desk, he would just veto it, or add one of his tyrannical and dictatorial signing statements.
Excuse me, Ms. Clinton, Congress can do more. Congress has it in its power to stop The Destroyer and the depraved occupation of Iraq. Congress can quit enabling The Destroyer's addiction to destruction.
Congress can vote "Nay" on the next 250 billion dollar request for more madness in the Middle East.
Congress can start investigating the myriad of high crimes and misdemeanors of the Bush Crime Regime. Congress can remove BushCo from office and see that they are tried in criminal court for war crimes and crimes against our own Constitution.
Congress can belatedly regain its constitutional powers to declare war and rescind its resolution giving George the authority to invade countries willy-nilly as he sees fit, because was all know that he is not fit to see anything.
Congress, in a bi-partisan effort must lasso in this faux-cowboy-run-amok who said he was sending 21,000 more troops to Baghdad to throw more fuel onto the dead body fire but will now send 50,000 more troops because he wants more fodder in the region when he invades Iran.
It is not enough for our employees to say that they are against a war that they voted for and continue to fund. It is not enough to expediently and conveniently say that if you were president in 2003, (Hillary Clinton) that you wouldn't have invaded Iraq. It is absolutely stunning to begin political campaigns for 2008 when our troops and the Iraqi people are being butchered in an absolutely obscene war of choice when many of the candidates mouth the words that it is "wrong."
Seventeen families here in the US and hundreds of families in Iraq are going to find out what it is like to live lives of unqualified hell while no one does anything to help them. We are in a disgraceful and apparently hopeless situation.
What do we do?
First of all, we never give up hope. The grass roots anti-war community has brought this country a long way since even before The Destroyer's "shocking and awful" invasion of an already compromised country. However, we can also never give up our commitment to our brothers and sisters in Iraq and to our children whom BushCo have put in danger's way still without the proper tools to stay alive.
Peace is within our grasp if we don't give into the despair and darkness that has been showered upon our country by the Bush Regime.
Peace is just around the corner if we will move confidently and courageously out of our circles of comfort and concern to realize that being comfortable in such a violent world is not the correct moral choice and someone should be concerned about the innocents being slaughtered by US imperialistic fervor.
Peace is not an issue it is the issue.
Cindy is writing from Paris, France, where her book "Peace Mom" is debuting in France this week.
Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Spc. Casey Sheehan who was killed in Bush's war of terror on 04/04/04.
She is the co-founder and president of Gold Star Families for Peace and the Camp Casey Peace Institute.
She is the author of three books, the most recent is Peace Mom: A Mother's Journey Through Heartache to Activism.
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