GW Bush

Bush is World"s #1 Terrorist

Thursday, April 19, 2007


The Bush Crime Family:

Bush Senior
Bush son

If we had a truly democratic goverment,

Bush and Cheney would have been impeached by now.

Only in US this can happen:

The people is against the Iraq war, and against all the corruption perpetrated by he Bush Crime Family with the help of the Supreme court judges anf the help of the US Attorney general: The "Gonzo man" from Texas and a puppet of Bush.

GW Bush the Anti-Christ himself must go along with all his fellow tugs.

"The Bush Crime family is responsible for the death of about 600,000 civil Iraq citizens".

Bush is not a Christian, he is an alcoholic and a drug addict.

Bush's only interest in life is to steal the oil from the Middle-East (Iraq and others) and to bankrupt America. The US debt is the highest ever. Bush wants to end with social security, medicare, healthcare. He wants to destroy the American middle class and poor people. He favors the Corporations and Pharmaceutical Companies.

Call your Senator and House Representative and ask for impeachment Proceedings to start.

1 comment:

Seven Star Hand said...

Actually, the Pope/Papacy/Christianity, throughout their entire history, are the true Anti-messiah. Bush and Cheney are merely Vatican operatives whose job it is to keep the world preoccupied with war and destruction so people don't understand the truth about the messiah (me).
Here is Wisdom