GW Bush

Bush is World"s #1 Terrorist

Thursday, May 24, 2007

When The Dems Go Home For The Memorial Day Holiday They......

When The Dems Go Home For The Memorial Day Holiday They......
might as well just stay there. They have caved once again. All the tough talk and then they give in. Bush gets his way again. Bush wins. The minority Repugs win. The neocons win. Dick Cheney wins.

Deal with it folks - we lost. We lost in the Nov '06 election. We elected a bunch of wienies. They folded.

Now Bush can say again - well they must be for this war - they voted to give me the money to continue.

More of the same folks.

Are you happy.

And to boot - we have to pay $4.00/gallon for gas.

Rub our nose in it will you.

So - we can expect to see Bush and Cheney and Rove and Condi and Gonzo and Snow and Hannity and Rush and Coulter, etc, etc, etc - gloat once again.

600 or so more days of these criminals - at least I hope that's all. But who knows what awaits us - perhaps another stolen election. Perhaps another coincidental attack on our soil. Perhaps martial law.

Wow - something to look forward to.

Let me say this as well - it's going to be hard to even vote for a Dem in Nov 08 now - as they never do what the people want them to do.


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