If You Want the Bum Impeached...
There is no doubt that Bush has committed “impeachable offenses.” There is no doubt that millions of Americans – and tens of millions of people in other countries! – would jump for joy if he were to be impeached.
Impeachment, in short, is one way that this regime full of fascists could be driven from power.
Yet not a single Democratic Senator has stepped up to the plate on impeachment. People can debate why this is so, and should – and some of that debate is in the articles on this site. The question we address here is how to change the political equation in this country so that Bush is forced to step down.
To do that, there must be a political demand coming from the grassroots. There must be thousands, and then millions, in the streets demanding that Bush step down – and that the country change direction. “Power,” as the one-time slave and famous abolitionist Frederick Douglass once said, “concedes nothing without a struggle.”
Without such struggle, there will be no impeachment. And without that happening soon, the momentum that currently exists to oust Bush will dissipate, and even the new outrages that have come to light will take on a patina of “legitimacy.” Millions must be awakened to the scope of Bush’s crimes and the danger of his agenda bringing need for him to go!
Nationwide demonstrations are set for January 31 – the night of Bush’s State of the Union address – to be followed by a massive demonstration in Washington, D.C. on February 4. The demand? BUSH STEP DOWN.
If you want Bush to go – if you want to see him impeached – this is where the gauntlet is. Here. Now. Pick it up.
The world can’t wait for there to be more Abu Ghraibs and Alitos. The world can’t wait, lest the controversy over Iran turn into another unjust war, perhaps even more horrendous than the one still raging in Iraq. It can’t wait as the Bush regime claims more and more unbridled power – power to spy on people, to imprison without charges, to torture – without even going through the motions of obeying the law. For more theocrats to be put into positions of power – including in the military.
Get involved. Donate. Organize. Spread the word. And be there.
The world can’t wait.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
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