GW Bush

Bush is World"s #1 Terrorist

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House - Main Page

George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House - Main Page: "George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House
America Is No Longer a Democratic Nation:
Zionists Have Seized Control During The 2000 ELECTION COUP D' ETAT, Installed Puppet Regime


WOW! NYC TRUTH GROUP UNVEILS SHOCKING BANNER AT WTC Posted By: billym [On 9/11 while W was reading about Goats, his father was in the situation room at the White House directing covert ops that saw Mossad agents remote control planes into the WTC and set off controlled demolitions there. -ed.]
Condoleeza Rice Warned Willie Brown Not To Fly On 9/11 PDF
Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks PDF From Thomas Buyea 9-17-4
Pattern of Megalomania by Schuyler Ebbets
When is George W. Bush going to go on trial for his crimes? -ed.

Austria's Haider says Bush is a war criminal PDF Sat Jun 17, 2006 [That's being too kind. Actually, he is clearly a terrorist. -ed.]

Chavez: Imprison 'genocidal' Bush PDF By: CNN on: 15.05.2006 [All in favor say Aye. The Ayes have it. -ed.]"

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