GW Bush

Bush is World"s #1 Terrorist

Monday, June 26, 2006

Gold Star Famillies For Peace�:�Camp Casey August 16th-Sept 2nd 2006

Camp Casey August 16th-Sept 2nd 2006
Cindy Sheehan and Gold Star Families for Peace will be returning to Crawford Tx. President Bush has still not satisfactorily answered our question, "What Noble Cause did our loved ones die for?" One year later we are still in the quagmire that is Iraq. As of this writing 2497 of our brave and noble military men and women have died for this Noble Cause. Join us at Camp Casey and show the President that we will not accept one more death be it American or Iraqi.

Camp Casey is run soley through donations and volunteers. We need help to make this summer as successful as last year. Please donate

Camp Casey ettiquette and General info

Camp Casey Calendar of events

Crawford Texas Weather report

List of things to bring
This list will be updated frequently. Please check back.

Previous Camp Casey Photos

Crawford Peace House website
Visit the Crawford Peace House for more info.

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